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The Team

Cliff L. Biffle

Cliff is a systems administrator and embedded developer from Phoenix, Arizona. Developing software for PalmOS heavily influenced his UI philosophy, which shows through in Kiwi. He's also been known to occasionally contribute patches to FreeBSD, KDE, and some Linux kernel side projects (Speedstep and PowerNOW power management). Within the Kiwi project he serves as the user interface and API nazi, and is responsible for roughly 80% of the current codebase. Cliff holds a Bachelors of Science in psychology.

Despite his insistence on maximum performance, Cliff is considering porting Kiwi to Java to piss off Chris.

Chris Lee

Chris is a frequent contributor to the KDE project and the author of the dotNET widget style. He picked up Kiwi development from Shamyl in 2002 and nursed it back to health. Recently, his time has been focused on improving Konqueror and some new, top-secret software projects for KDE.

Chris promises to remove Cliff's spleen with a spoon if Kiwi is ported to Java.

Shamyl Zakariya

Original creator of Kiwi, Shamyl turned maintainership over to Chris and Cliff in 2002 to pursue other, larger goals. Among other things, he's been seen with his hands in the CardDesk and Slicker projects that have so many KDE eye-candy junkies slobbering all over themselves.

Shamyl's interest in either pissing off Chris or murdering Cliff in his sleep remains unknown.