
Provided by the management for your protection.


As of 14 October 2003, Kiwi is undergoing the Second Great Refactoring. This basically means we're going through and streamlining things yet again, pulling out crufty old code and replacing it with shiny new code. So far, we've reduced the total codebase by 13% without losing any features. It's also dramatically faster. Stay tuned.

Kiwi is beta software.

Kiwi is still in beta. It's stable enough to use for day-to-day tasks, but there are certain odd types of music files that can crash it, and the features aren't all there. The developers are using Kiwi as their primary music players every day now, without problems, but if it crashes your computer, kills your dog, and stuffs marshmellows in your head while you sleep, we ain't liable.

However, let us know that it has crashed / killed your dog / stuffed marshmellows in your head while you sleep. Use our Snazzy Whizbang Bug Tracking System™! It's the only way to fly.

What Works

  • Finding songs in a directory tree. Kiwi can handle many thousands of songs.
  • Most user interface details, like sorting.
  • Playback of MP3 and Ogg Vorbis.
  • Creation of playlists.

What Doesn't

  • Some songs are known to crash Kiwi. Mostly songs with non-ASCII characters. This is not actually a problem in Kiwi; it appears to be in part of the KDE libraries.